Zak Palmer 9188

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Reasearch 1 - Cinematography

This is a piece of reasearch we did into cinematography and a famous ciematogropher Christopher Doyle. It showed us that it was not only camera, sound, and mis en scene that we had at our disposal but we also had a new tool to make our film look better and correctly capture the feel and mood of our film.


The person whose job it is to set up both camera and lighting for each shot in a moving image text. The cinematographer has perhaps paramount influence over the look or tone of a shot or scene, and is often held in as high esteem as the director. Cinematography is therefore the art of positioning a camera and lighting a scene.

What Is Cinematography For? Christopher Doyle

“Tries to translate ideas into images”
“Work out how to express a story within a space”


Click Here For Our cinematography Reasearch

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