Zak Palmer 9188

Wednesday 30 September 2009

2nd Script Feedback


Click Here Forst Our 2nd Script Feedback

2nd Script


Click Here For Our 2nd Script

1st Script Feedback


Click Here For Our First Script Feedback

1st Script


Click Here For Our First Script

Using All Our Ideas, pitch and feeback we produced the first script idead for our short film.

Pitch 3 And Feedback


This is our 3rd and final pitch which we gave to our class and revieved feeback in order to improve our idea. We found that this idea as much better than the other two and there was only a few little issues whihc we had to solve before proceeding.

Click Here For Pitch 3 And Feedback

Reasearch 2 - Analysis of Short Films

Round by Kirk Hendry

This film uses hands to illustrate an entire world. It uses a hand as a seed and through the hand a world is created with animals, trees etc. This has a very child friendly feel and corresponds to the type of audience in which we would like to target our film at. I feel the appropriate use of music in certain area of the film get the audience excited and even though it is quite simplistic it is still interesting. The simplistic feel created by the hands is lost as we watch as this world of hands becomes real to us over the duration of the film; I feel this sort of feel could be used in our production also.

Genie in My Nostrils

This is an low quality, amataur, comedy spoof which illustrates simply some of the effects in which we can reproduce with regards to our genie character. It Used a fade to white and an electrical sound effect to show that the genie was appearing which we could use this but i think it would be more effective if we made it slower and found 'mystical' music to match the action which could make it more dramatic.

Pitch 2 Feeback

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Pitch 2

This is my groups second pitch to the class in which we recieved further feedback


Click here to see our second pitch

Reasearch 1 - Cinematography

This is a piece of reasearch we did into cinematography and a famous ciematogropher Christopher Doyle. It showed us that it was not only camera, sound, and mis en scene that we had at our disposal but we also had a new tool to make our film look better and correctly capture the feel and mood of our film.


The person whose job it is to set up both camera and lighting for each shot in a moving image text. The cinematographer has perhaps paramount influence over the look or tone of a shot or scene, and is often held in as high esteem as the director. Cinematography is therefore the art of positioning a camera and lighting a scene.

What Is Cinematography For? Christopher Doyle

“Tries to translate ideas into images”
“Work out how to express a story within a space”


Click Here For Our cinematography Reasearch

Feed Back 1

After pitching our story idea to the rest of our class we recieved feedback which we collated and used as a basis to improve our story.

feedback 1

Click here for Feedback 1

Monday 28 September 2009

Pitch 1

This is our first pitch our group came up with, we presented this to the class and we recieved feedback which we collected in order to improve our story and decide what was good and what needed to be improved.


Click here to view our
first pitch

Sunday 27 September 2009

Character Profiles

These are the first versions of our character profiles for the two characters in our film, luke and genie.




Click Here For Character Profile
Character Profiles

Mood Board

This is our Mood Board for the colour gold which is the colour we have decided to use as a base to build out story on.

Media Gold moadboard

Click Here For
Mood Board

Thursday 17 September 2009


Welcome to my blog in which will log all the work which i have completed in A2 Media. Last year i made a AS short title sequence called daisy, which can be viewed on my blog along with my A2 short film genie. We did various tasks and reasearch to find inspiration, we also did a preliminary tasks workshops and masterclassess to learn how to use all the equipment available. For each tasks i worked in a group and in for my A2 project we decided to base our film around the colour gold. We had fun making the film and feel that we created as good a product as we could have given the time and utilities given